How can I watch Kemono Jihen on Netflix?
Are you looking for a place to stream the brand new Japanese anime series named Kemono Jihen on Netflix? Is it possible? The answer to the question is yes! You can watch Kemono Jihen on Netflix in Japan, but unfortunately, it is only available in Japanese with Japanese subtitles (at the moment). This might change in the future, but that is the status at the time of writing this article.
Kemono Jihen is a series about a detective named Kohachi Inugami. He is especially known for solving occult cases, and that is what leads him to very strange cases also in this anime series. One of the episodes is about Kohachi investigating the mysterious deaths of animals by every full-moon. It is categorized as a dark fantasy series, meaning that it isn’t suitable for young kids.
Would you like to watch Kemono Jihen on Netflix? How can you find Kemono Jihen on Netflix?
If you want to watch Kemono Jihen on Netflix, do the following:
In order to watch Kemono Jihen on Netflix in Japan, you need to purchase a VPN subscription to either NordVPN or ExpressVPN. These are two fantastic VPN services that will help you access Netflix content in countries such as the Netherlands, Japan, USA, Canada, and the UK. Click the buttons below to visit their websites.
ExpressVPN has servers in 95 countries, and they have a 30-day money-back guarantee. If you purchase a subscription, you can use it on 5 devices simultaneously, and they have apps for all the big platforms. If you click the button above and purchase a 12-month subscription, you will receive 12 additional months for free.
NordVPN is a Panama-based VPN with servers in 55 countries. They also have a full refund policy, and they have a great seasonal discount available right now. Click the button above to visit their website.
When you have bought your VPN subscription, continue and download the VPN application to your computer, phone, tablet, TV, or to your other devices. Now you can open the application and look for the Japanese flag or the text Japan. When you have selected this, connect to the server, and in a few seconds, you will receive a Japanese IP address, and you will be ready to watch all the content on Netflix in Japan, no matter where you might be in the world.
Now it is time to open your Netflix application or to visit You can now see all the content on Netflix in Japan, including all available seasons of Kemono Jihen. Are you ready to have a good time in front of your screen?
Do not forget…
Even though you have found out how to watch Kemono Jihen on Netflix, do not forget that you will find hundreds of other anime series on Netflix in Japan as well that you cannot find elsewhere in the world. And if you get fed up with anime, why don’t you watch content on Netflix in the USA and in Canada instead? And if you get tired of that, connect to a server in the UK and watch TV series and movies available entirely for free at BBC iPlayer in the UK? The possibilities are endless once you have a VPN subscription, and it should only come as a bonus that the VPN will protect your data online while giving you access to TV networks and streaming services all around the world.
I hope this article has helped you. If you have any comments or questions, please use the comment field below and I will do my best to help and to answer!